A Fun Day Out with Friends

A Fun Day Out with Friends

    A few months ago on the occasion of "Heritage Day" I went out with two of my friends, Dalí and Javiera, to discover heritage buildings. I met my friends last year when we started college, we all have the same classes and spent a lot of time together doing homework until we became friends. They are very funny and have a great sense of humor! And, of course, they are great friends.

    It took us a long time to agree on a plan together, but we thought Heritage Day was perfect to have a new and interesting plan. That day we met at the Subercaseaux Palace to take a tour to get to know the place, although we had to wait a long time for the line, the palace was really beautiful and we had a great time together. Before that. we decided to go to the Stock Exchange, another very interesting heritage building. We vacated after noon, so we decided to go for lunch at McDonald's which was close to where we were.

    We ended the day eating fries and burger, it was a fantastic day with my friends, where we laughed a lot, talked a lot and had a great time together.


  1. I really must take advantage of Heritage Day. I hardly ever bother to visit anywhere.


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